Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray #7: Dorian’s Deceit

            Dorian has done some questionable things in his life including his treatment of Sibyl Vane and the savage murder of Basil Hallward.  His actions have led to unflattering rumors being spread about him and people forming opinions of him that are not ideal.  To cope with the consequences of his actions Dorian has had to become quite cunning; he knows that if people find out the truth about what he has done his reputation and life will be destroyed.  After killing Basil, Dorian knew that he could not let people tie him to the murder; one of the first things he did was establish a rock-solid alibi for himself.  Dorian knew that there was no evidence against him because “Basil Hallward had left the house at eleven.  No one had seen him come in again.  Most of the servants were at Selby Royal.  His valet had gone to bed” (Wilde 164).  He then proceeded to leave and re-enter the house by waking up his valet and creating the story that he forgot his key.  Dorian knows that if he can deceive the public with a solid alibi and destroy the evidence there will be know way to tie him to the murder, and his life and what is left of his reputation will be saved. 
            The other example of Dorian’s cunningness comes when James Vane confronts him in an alley in the middle of the night.  James, Sibyl’s brother, has made Dorian from the nickname, Prince Charming.  James knew nothing about Dorian except this nickname but he knew that he vowed to kill this man since it was Dorian’s fault that Sibyl is dead.  Dorian certainly would have been murdered if it wasn’t for his quick thinking that made James believe that he had the wrong man. Dorian asks James, “How long ago is it since your sister did” (195) to make James realize that there is no way that Dorian could be Sibyl’s Prince Charming because he looks to young.  Dorian’s deceit has saved him on multiple occasions; without it he would most certainly be dead if he was not in prison.

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