Monday, April 29, 2013

P+P #9

The way Elizabeth interprets information about Mr. Darcy depends upon who is telling the information and her particular attitude toward Mr. Darcy at the time. Elizabeth's first impression on Mr. Darcy is that he is a haughty and insolent man. What she fails to realize is that Mr. Darcy is just taciturn; she interprets his social awkwardness as arrogance. Because her initial view of Mr. Darcy is that he is an awful person and that she wants to hate him, when Mr. Wickham talks poorly if Mr. Darcy Elizabeth immediately accepts it as fact without questioning the story's validity, fitting of classic confirmation bias. However, once Elizabeth receives and reads Mr. Darcy's letter explaining his motives, she begins to understand him better, although she still does not like him very much. While at Pemberly the housekeeper tells Elizabeth that she had "'never had cross word from him in [her] life" (Austen 242). Elizabeth thinks this description of Mr. Darcy is "most opposite to her ideas. That he was not a good-tempered man had been her firmest opinion. Her keenest attention was awakened: she longed to hear more" (242). Elizabeth does not immediately dismiss this pleasant description of Darcy although it is contrary to her opinion if him, instead, because she has read the letter and realizes there is more to Mr. Darcy than first meets the eye, she realizes that there may be validity to this view of Mr. Darcy and wants to learn more.

Pride and Prejudice #8

In the Bennet family there is a divide between the way Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth act as opposed to the rest of the family. Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth are the realists in the family while Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth's sisters are haughty and verging on insolent. This contrast can be seen in the way they each treat the subject of the Bennet girls getting married. Mrs. Bennet's sole focus seems to be in getting her daughters married to rich men of high worth, and she is willing to do so at the expense of her daughters' happiness. Also, when Lydia wants to go to Brighton, she feels that all of the men there will be all over her trying to marry he, and lets her ego and her mother's praise get the best of her in thinking that she is one of the most beautiful and important women in the world. In contrast to Lydia's narcissism is Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet's realism in regards to the situation. Elizabeth does not want Lydia to go to Brighton and Mr. Bennet tell Elizabeth how paltry Lydia really is: "at Brighton she will be of less importance even as a common flirt than she has been here. The officers will find women better worth their notice. Let us hope, therefore, that her being there may teach her her own insignificance" (Austen 227). Mr. Bennet treats his daughters' worth realistically rather than Mrs. Bennet who thinks her daughters are the most significant women in the world and all men will seize them up in a heartbeat. Mrs. Bennet is obviously incorrect in her supposition for all four of her daughters are still unmarried. Mr. Bennet seems out of place in the Bennet family for Mrs. Bennet has such a strong personality and heavy influence, but Mr. Bennet's realism in fact causes him to be correct in his judgements about his daughters' worth, even if he appears to not fit in to the societal construct of how he should act.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pride and Prejudice #1-5

The Title as it Relates to the Text
The title Pride and Prejudice relate back to how the characters act and their view on society. The book begins by stating that "it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" (Austen 1). This statement sets up the major focus of the text: for the Bennet girls to find husbands, preferably of a propitious social class and wealth, so that the prosperity will be well off. The idea of wanting a husband of great wealth and high social class relates back to the word "pride" in the title for in this time period, people would take great pride in the social class they belong to for they believe one's place in the hierarchy of society to be extremely important. Building off of this idea of pride in one's social class, the characters in Pride and Prejudice also highlight the idea of prejudice in how they view others based off of their place in society. With the heavy importance placed on social class, the characters have suppositions about the other classes of society and which class they must belong to in order to be happy. This can be seen when Mrs. Bennet pushes Mr. Bennet to meet with Mr. Bingley because Mr. Bingley is a rich and handsome bachelor and the Bennet's have four daughters that each need a fitting husband. Mrs. Bennet hopes that Mr. Bingley will marry one of her daughters because of her pride and prejudice towards social class; she desires for her daughter to marry rich and be of the highest class possible.

Mr. Collins' Proposal, Chapter 19 pg.105-106
Mr. Collins' proposal to Elizabeth proves unsuccessful. His entire proposal is very focused on himself and comes across as extremely selfish, sycophantic and pompous. Mr. Collins' focuses on the reasons why Elizabeth should marry him rather than any emotional reasons why he wants to marry Elizabeth. This tactic ultimately is rejected by Elizabeth because of her view on marriage and love, as can be seen by her feelings for Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth does not like Mr. Darcy because he is self-centered and does not recognize her beauty; Elizabeth wants to be recognized for her beauty and love her husband. Mr. Collins' proposal does not at all recognize Elizabeth's beauty, which is one of the major reasons his proposal fails. Mr. Collins' narcissism and seeming lack of understanding of the woman he is proposing to causes him to look past Elizabeth's true wants and needs, causing her to reject his proposal.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

1991 Open-Ended Question

Prompt: Many plays and novels use contrasting places (for example, two countries, two cities or towns, two houses, or the land and the sea) to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of the work. Choose a novel or play that contrasts two such places. Write and essay explaining how the places differ, what each place represents, and how their contrast contributes to the meaning to the work.

            In Shakespeare’s play Othello there are two contrasting locations: Venice and Cyprus.  Venice is a major port city with it’s own government and army, led by protagonist Othello, whereas Cyprus is a small island territory of Venice that is being fought over in a war with the Turks. Each of these locations has heavily contrasted physical and societal structures that add to the overall contrast seen in the two places and what they represent.
            Venice is where the play begins and the audience is first introduced to protagonist Othello.  In Venice, Othello, head of the Venetian army, is witnessed in a dispute with Brabantio over his daughter Desdemona.  The way that Othello settles this conflict is indicative of what Venice represents in Othello.  Othello uses his superior oration and logic to convince Brabantio and the Senate that although he ran off and married Desdemona without Brabantio’s permission, he should not be punished because he and Desdemona are in love and he is too important.  This conflict is settles in a very civilized and structured manner and the outcome is decided solely based on logic and reason and not emotion; each of these aforementioned characteristics highlight what the city of Venice represents.
            Contrasting Venice is the island of Cyprus, where the majority of the play takes place. In Cyprus life is much less civilized and structured than in Venice because they are essentially under military command as opposed to Venice, which follows the lead of the Senate and government. Iago, the villain of the play, acts out the majority of his heinous plan in Cyprus. One of the most important parts of Iago’s plan in convincing Othello that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him with Cassio.  Iago’s immense trickery used throughout his entire plan causes chaos to ensue in Cyprus when he convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio, which in turn causes Othello to abandon his superior logic and reason, as demonstrated in Venice, and act solely on his emotions.  In Othello, Cyprus exists to contrast Venice and represent an unstructured, chaotic society where decisions are made based on emotions rather than the logic and reason on Venice.
            The overall contrast between Venice and Cyprus adds immense literary value to the work as a whole.  Through the lens of this contrast a reader is able to see the drastic changes in Othello that cause him to murder his loving wife Desdemona so tragically.  In Venice, using the representation of structure, logic, and reason, the reader can see how eloquent, logical, and powerful Othello is. However, once in Cyprus, using the representation of chaos and emotional decisions, the reader can see how Othello lost control of his emotions and acted out of a jealous and unwarranted rant in killing Desdemona. The character development in Othello as he moves from Venice to Cyprus highlights his loss of a balance between emotion and reason, and it emphasizes Shakespeare’s message that a balance between emotion and reason is extremely important to one’s character, and without it people risk making the same mistakes as Othello did is murdering his wife for no good reason.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Poetry Slam Poems

Our Favorite New Toy? (Group Poem)

Remember when NSYNC was cool, (Hannah)
And girls ruled while boys drooled?
Remember Sesame Street’s Oscar the Grouch, (Jess)
And Loonette the Clown in the Big Comfy Couch?
Remember Mr. Rogers and his trains, (Kevin)
And our friends Arthur, D.W., Buster, and Brain
Whom we never thought we would leave? (Sam)

Well, Bye, Bye, Bye, because now,
Instead of Goodnight Moon,
it’s Goodnight iPad, Twitter, and Facebook ‘til June.
Goodbye Peter Pan. Hello Big Brother.
No more nightlights or monsters under the bed
Now it’s six hours of sleep instead.
No more playing in snow and sipping cocoa
We’re always in a hurry to go, go, go
We always wanted to grow up so fast
And never even bothered to look back.
But time and life don’t stand still.
People will always invent the next big thing
That will replace the iPhone, Twitter, and more
We don’t know what the future will bring,
But one thing we know for sure:
Our favorite new toy will become an ancient artifact (All)

Now What Do I Do? (Misc. Poem - S. Bell & H. Lombardo)

Child:  YEAH!
Mom:  (aside)
You roll out of bed and grab your lunch,
Toast, juice box, and water
That I make for you every day.
Child:  BYE
Child:  I WILL
Mom:  (aside)
Now you're at school,
And I patiently wait
until the end of your busy day.

It's 4-o'clock, you're running a bit late...

Child: (texting)
Mom:  (aside)
You assure me you got caught up
Helping some kid or working out
After workouts ended.

I hear your car, now the door.

Mom:  (aside)
I already knew that, but I ask everyday anyway.

Now you're doing homework;
You always have too much of that stuff.

Mom:   (aside)
You come racing down;
You're always so hungry.

Next thing I know it's 12-o'clock,
And you're still doing homework.

Mom:  (aside)
You tell me you're almost done,
But we both know you're just saying that so I'll go to bed.

It doesn't work.

It's 1-o'clock, now you're done.

But this morning, you weren't here.
You're off going through your busy days without me.

Now what do I do?

Green-Eyed Monster (Individual Poem - K. Chan)

Oh Green-Eyed Monster, why do you exist in this world?

You’ve destroyed lovers, families, cities, kingdoms, countries,

Yet you’re still allowed to survive?

An atrocity manifested within human societies with no hopes of reformation,

A pandemic that plagues the Earth with no cure,

A wicked demon unable to be chained back to hell,

A Green-Eyed Monster.

How can something so small cause so much heartache?

You are like trash rotting around my soul,

Fuming noxious gases that spread like wildfire,
Clouding the  judgement of my brain
Leaving an aftertaste of gloom and despair;
You are like toxic waste, eroding through the layers of my heart,
Poisoning my body with your lustful chemicals,
Destroying everything you touch;
You are like a virus, injecting your own DNA to change my own,
Changing me into a monster I am not,
Changing me into a beast I cannot tame,
Slowly traveling through my bloodstream,
Releasing your evil at every organ,
Bursting through the pores of my skin until I explode!
Oh why!?
Why do you exist in our world if you only cause misery.